News / try a pie
Aug 06, 2015
Birthday Pies Are Always A Special Delivery
Birthday Pies are trending at It's Easy As Pie. Here's how it works: 1- Select flavor (sweet, savory, sugar free) 2- Send us the specifics (name, contact information) along with any ideas you want to share to make it a great surprise. ( love these) your personal message is attached of course. Your order will be delivered and to make it special for you as well, a picture will be sent to you taken at delivery, when the fresh pie is put in their hands! Add a ️️balloon if you like. Local delivery in the Metro St. Louis area...
Feb 25, 2014
Pi Day - Celebrate With A Fresh Pie
Celebrate the mathematical constant in a delicious way. Let us know what flavor you'd like to have the Pi symbol on and we will bake it up fresh and deliver. Send one to your accountant, your favorite Math teacher , or simply decide to enjoy Pi Pie yourself!
Jan 17, 2014
Savory Pies Are Simple Solutions, DELIVERED
Jan 01, 2014
Hap-Pie New Year! 14 in '14 Time to Try A Pie.
I have always enjoyed a new notebook with pages just waiting to be filled with notes to self, inspirations, a doodle or two, and plenty "to do's." The first day of the year is a day of firsts and I love it. Today I made some new creations in the kitchen, tried some new presentations at dinner on my family, and look forward to starting a new book tonight. 2013 was filled with great moments especially at It's Easy As Pie. Each week there were new connections made, stories were shared, and being a part of your celebrations and good...