
  • Fresh Fruit & Fresh Flavors Welcome Summer With a Fresh Pie & Old Favorites with the Retro-Pie

    Longer days, a chorus of birds before sunrise, a chorus of frogs at dusk, are just a few welcome indicators that SUMMER is here. With a fiercer winter than most behind us, seeing mosquitoes, weeds and poison ivy isn't so bad either. Although there is year-round availability of most produce these days, I'm sentimental for the seasons. Buying a box of fresh blueberries in February  just does not appeal to me. With that in mind, I'm excited to offer fresh pies for Summer. As you welcome in the new season this week savor the flavors.... the first pork steak, ribs or chicken off the grill, the corn, the salad. Enjoy times together with family and friends.

    We have a new Summertime Pies Collection with longtime favorites. If you have a special pie you'd like to tell us about please e-mail us , . Have an old favorite recipe but you're not a baker? Then you'll love the Retro-pie!

    Here's how it works

    - email the recipe to us and please include details ( who made it, when & where did you enjoy it....what's the associated memory)

    - we'll get back with you with any questions about ingredients, preparation, presentation

    - you'll soon be enjoying an old-time favorite 

    reconnecting with loved ones and memories of times past , sharing the memory now with the retro-pie....

    It's Easy As Pie!!  


    Welcome Summer!


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