Dec 01, 2020 Humble Pie Now on the Menu Thanksgiving in my line of work is game seven time every November, a time when pie lovers get all of their favorite flavors and then some and when folks who are not “pie people” morph into pie enthusiasts. Added to that, the isolation of 2020 so many knew on this holiday when togetherness was reduced to a Zoom call instead of gathering side by side around the table. What kind of memories were made this November 2020? Since 2012 i’ve been blessed to bake Thanksgiving pies for local gatherings here in St. Louis and for homes from coast-to-coast. This year there were SO many orders that I had to cut off sales early. With each pie we include a message from the sender and in seeing the many many messages of love, care, and concern I was truly honored to be able to bake pies of connectedness. With one look at our vast menu you’ll know that many ingredients go into our pies, the unwritten one however is love. “Baked with love” is not a catchphrase, it is fundamental. So it was with extreme joy that we shipped 250 pies on Monday, November 23.and then... on Tuesday, November 24 when FedEx did not show up as scheduled to collect over 100 pies we were distraught. We were told that it was too late and no one would be stopping by. From this point a quick summary of the timeline includes : -pies loaded into our cars to take to FedEx at the airport by 9:45 pm for the last plane out. -family members succumb to carbon dioxide poisoning,( have major car accidents,(STL police break widows of car to pull them out, they blacked out, seized, and were at a point of death) - while at ER CAT scans reveal family member has an aneurysm in his neck which was pre-existing and previously unnoticed. -on this the busiest of nights instead of baking through the night for the holiday we were in the ER -pies to be shipped did not go out - local delivery and local pick up pies we not all completed. - we baked all we could, delivered all that we could through 6 pm on Thanksgiving. In summary : -these events humble me more than you know. As deeply sorry I am to each who did not receive their pies as well as to those who ordered the pies, know that we did all we work through what was beyond our control. - cars and pies can come and go - my family members are alive to share the story